Southeast Asia foresight
This thirteenth study report by the Climate and Defense Observatory presents the elements collected on five countries in Southeast Asia: Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. It is organised around five country profiles, headed by a regional analysis highlighting vulnerabilities and cross-cutting challenges, commonalities and differences.

The five sheets propose four distinct parts devoted respectively to:
➢ Observed and expected changes in the climate (as far as possible over the 2030 and 2050 timeframes) and the impacts that these changes may have on human and economic systems;
➢ A brief analysis of public policies to combat climate change (mitigation/adaptation) but also in terms of prevention and management of natural risks;
➢ An assessment of the role of the military and civil security forces in the management of natural disasters;
➢ To the presentation of crisis scenarios (trend and breakdown) in which environmental and/or climatic parameters play a more or less significant role.