Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity and Maritime Security in the Bay of Bengal
Research webinar organized as part of the Observatory of Climate Change Impacts on Defence and Security, on behalf of the DGRIS of the French ministry for the Armed forces and the French Development Agency (AFD).
This research seminar aimed to bring together researchers and practitioners from the scientific, development, security and defense fields working onthe impacts ofclimate changein the BoB. Panelsincluded researchers from IndiaandBangladeshalong with French researchers located in the BoB. Were also convened personnelfrom the AFD to discuss their potential contribution to the development of the blue economy in the region, as well as high-rank militaries from French, Indianand Bangladeshiarmiesto discuss avenues for cooperation on maritime security.
The first session focused on climate change impacts on regional biodiversity and fish stocks. The goal was also to discuss implications of such impacts for coastal populations and to identify potential cooperation, including through the development of the blue economy. This first session contributed to setting the scene for the second session, which dealt with climate change impacts on maritime security and regional stability.
Beyond their specific focus, the two sessions were coherent, as their respective stakes are interdependent. The goal of the seminar was thus to expose such interdependencies and possible cooperation initiatives to tackle both climate change impacts on biodiversity and maritime security.

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