Sahel foresight
This sixth report of the Observatory presents the elements collected on Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad. The five fact sheets provide elements for assessing climate vulnerability in the future, thoughts on how this might be translated into security terms, a brief analysis of public policies on climate, an assessment of the role of the armed forces and civil security forces in the management of natural disasters, as well as crisis scenarios (trend and breakdown).

For the purposes of the study, several interviews with experts and representatives of local armies were conducted (Annex 1).
The possibility of drawing up a graph showing the preparedness of the armed forces on the x-axis and the vulnerability of the countries on the y-axis is being studied (see foreword to the ER5), but the difficulty of accessing reliable sources, either by consulting documents or by interviewing resource persons who are often difficult to contact or identify, means that this project has not yet been carried out.